Helping Employers with Self-Funded Health Plans

Schedule a discovery call today with our Health Insurance Professionals to see if your business qualifies.

Reduce your healthcare costs without sacrificing high-quality benefits

For business owners, managing expectations around healthcare can be challenging.

It takes more than simply shopping the market to meet your needs, especially if you want a desirable benefits package that will keep your employees happy.



Many employers are simply
unaware of other plan design

Explore your options below…

We Build Healthcare Programs Around
These 4 Principles...

The Right Mix of Cost Containment Strategies Will Keep Your Employee’s Needs and Business Goals at the Forefront

As one of the largest line items on most P&Ls, there is no denying that cost containment is a major concern for most businesses when it comes to healthcare.

The right mix of strategies can help you design a better plan that aligns
your employees needs with your financial goals.

Here are a few of RMC’s Health & Benefits strategies that could help you reduce costs…

The Right Mix of Employee Engagement Strategies Will Keep Your Employee’s Needs and Business Goals at the Forefront

As one of the largest line items on most P&Ls, there is no denying that cost containment is a major concern for most businesses when it comes to healthcare.

The right mix of strategies can help you design a better plan that aligns
your employees needs with your financial goals.

Here are a few of RMC’s Health & Benefits strategies that could help you reduce costs…

The Right Mix of Compliance Management Strategies Will Keep Your Employee’s Needs and Business Goals at the Forefront

As one of the largest line items on most P&Ls, there is no denying that cost containment is a major concern for most businesses when it comes to healthcare.

The right mix of strategies can help you design a better plan that aligns
your employees needs with your financial goals.

Here are a few of RMC’s Health & Benefits strategies that could help you reduce costs…

The Right Mix of Technology Usage Strategies Will Keep Your Employee’s Needs and Business Goals at the Forefront

As one of the largest line items on most P&Ls, there is no denying that cost containment is a major concern for most businesses when it comes to healthcare.

The right mix of strategies can help you design a better plan that aligns
your employees needs with your financial goals.

Here are a few of RMC’s Health & Benefits strategies that could help you reduce costs…

When you offer a specialized service, clients who find success tend to share their positive experience with others. 

When employees need immediate access to benefits related questions you need access to an HR team that provides quick, accurate answers.

By identifying poorly performing divisions in your company, you can segment those risks from the remainder of your risk pool and reduce costs while improving your group’s coverage. 

When employees need immediate access to benefits related questions you need access to an HR team that provides quick, accurate answers. 

When employees need immediate access to benefits related questions you need access to an HR team that provides quick, accurate answers. 

When employees need immediate access to benefits related questions you need access to an HR team that provides quick, accurate answers.

When employees need immediate access to benefits related questions you need access to an HR team that provides quick, accurate answers.

Review Your Healthcare Options
In 5 Easy Steps



Complete questionnaires and provide existing plan documents for review



Speak with a Health & Benefits Specialist to review your options and strategies



Receive a customized plan proposal for you and your stakeholders



Implement your new plan and complete all paperwork 



Receive ongoing reporting and policy administration 

Schedule a meeting with an RMC Health & Benefits Professional

You can also contact our office at (239) 298-8210

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